Efficiency of employees Managers are responsible


To improve the work efficiency of employees, managers should be responsible and need to play an important role. Managers should play an exemplary role. Let employees see the order and process of handling things at all times, remind employees frequently, do not let employees make mistakes that you have made, and use some possible reasonable methods to make employees approach your expected standards, etc.

Managers play an educating and encouraging role. Education and encouragement keep employees motivated. Assign the employee a job that requires a higher ability than his current ability, often help the employee analyze the results of his work, tell him where he has improved, and make him feel the joy of work from the progress. The role of education and encouragement is to keep employees from being discouraged or frustrated by their productivity. Managers should fully mobilize their coordination functions, plan the overall work of employees, and do not blindly put pressure on employees. When assigning work to employees, it also informs the deadline that the work needs to be completed, observes and grasps the workload and progress of employees at any time, understands problems arising from employees' work, and gives appropriate help. For new employees, we should pay attention to cultivating and guiding the working relationship with the employees, and try to assign as few occasional jobs as possible to the employees. 

In short, the low work efficiency of an employee should not be regarded as a personal problem of the employee, and his shift, workshop and workshop should also bear considerable responsibilities.

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