Culture is the soul, finance is the main line, and efficiency is the center


1. Set goals and work tirelessly to win
If enterprises and individuals want to develop, they must have a reasonable position and an appropriate goal. At present, China is full of opportunities, there are many opportunities to make money, and there are many myths about getting rich. It seems that every industry can make money. Seeing that some people make a lot of money, many people become restless and want to do whatever they want to make money. In fact, these are mostly beautiful traps that often lead to nothing in the end. A person's energy, ability and resources at his disposal are very limited, and it is not possible to make money in any industry. We must focus on a certain field, a certain point, set a good goal, put the limited human, material and financial resources into our advantageous industries, and then go all out to do it, and victory is just around the corner. Concentrate on running a business, step by step. The great Mao Zedong once said: "The rice should be eaten one bite at a time, and the battle should be fought one by one". You must not look at the high mountain from this mountain, and you must concentrate your efforts on tackling the fortifications. After careful deliberation and full argumentation, if you see the goal, you must work unswervingly, and you must go all out. If you can take big steps, take big steps. If you can't take big steps, you must make continuous progress with small steps. go toward success. What we emphasize is the gradual occupation and must not be distracted. Once the business is done, resources will naturally be concentrated on you. The company's strategic goal is: to tap the potential and increase efficiency of existing products, expand market share, continue to expand and extend to the fields of fine and synthetic chemicals, and become a professional manufacturer of additives, solvents and oils in the chemical industry. The company's marketing strategy is to take the road of international operation, continuously sell products to the world, and continuously increase market share.

2. Cultivate an enterprise with culture as the soul
Innovation. Culture is the soul of an enterprise. Chinese people run a business without the background of Chinese culture. Copying and copying foreign things is definitely not good for running a business. It is necessary to establish a corporate culture that conforms to China's national conditions and a corporate culture that is full of corporate personality. The company's concept of "creating wealth, harmonious development" and "scientific and technological innovation, honest service" has always been the basis for the company to serve customers. Innovation requires not only unique creativity, but also communication and cooperation with customers. In the process of providing services to customers, we always adhere to the service tenet of "treat each other with sincerity", change the traditional "product-based, service-based" model, and formulate a "product service user, service stable user" model The corporate culture that drives product sales has been continuously enriched and promoted in practice. Relying on diligence, wisdom, and getting rich legally, we are justifiable. The so-called "gentleman loves wealth and gets it right." The employees of the company come from all over the world. To complete a task and achieve a goal, they come together to form a team, work together day and night, and fight side by side. , share the blessings, and block the difficulties together. With the joint efforts of everyone, the company can be successful, and every employee can get a good return. It can be seen that wealth belongs to those laborers who are diligently pursuing their goals and willing to pay hardships and wisdom. At the same time, properly handle the following relationships: (1) The relationship between risk and gain. We emphasize risk sharing and benefit sharing, and we fully respect individual wishes. Achievement or not, determines your success or failure. Every investment has risks, and whoever takes the greater risk gets more. (2) The relationship between contribution and gain. In the development of the enterprise, whoever makes more contributions will have higher income. Contribute first and then get, first bitter and then sweet, or, give you a part first, and then get another part after you make a grade. The company considers all aspects of the relationship and handles this issue harmoniously. (3) The relationship between distribution and accumulation. Through continuous accumulation, the company has a platform for development. How much is accumulated and how much is allocated is reasonable. After sufficient communication, it must be settled in the form of a system and a signed management responsibility system. The company believes that through your efforts, gratifying results will be achieved, and self-achievement will be achieved while realizing corporate value. 
people and. After the company has set its goals, selecting the right leader is the top priority. Give him the right to take responsibility, and let him bear the inescapable responsibility. A good leader can lead a team and cultivate a good atmosphere. The company treats its employees well, and the employees treat the company well. This is a positive interaction. We must always firmly spread the warmth of the collective into the hearts of employees, so that they can feel that the collective is a big tree they can rely on and their second home.
Compete. In the long-term production and operation, he has formed a humble and upward character. He is not proud of his achievements, and he is not discouraged when he encounters difficulties and setbacks. He keeps his eyes on the goal and strives for it. The strength of the team should not be underestimated. The company's take-off depends on the strength of the entire team. 
In the process of developing a business, innovation is necessary. We continue to seek truth and innovate, step by step towards success, and finally form a unique corporate culture that is adapted to history and region. This is the core competitiveness of the enterprise, the soul of the enterprise, and the magic weapon for the enterprise to win.

3. Management with financial as the main line
Manage the enterprise not to be pretentious, it must be concise and effective, focus on finance, focus on the process, and focus on the results. The management of the company depends on planning, grasping the budget, re-assessing, motivating the advanced, spurring the backward, and fully mobilizing the initiative and creativity of people. 

4. Profit-centered assessment
What kind of business is a good business? From the perspective of people, we must have a good team, a good team, and good employees; from the perspective of materials, we must have good products and good brands; from the perspective of development, our performance must be good now and in the future. ,sustainable development. Management is reflected by benefits. We try our best to expand the market and build the brand. 

5. Implementing delegating power with one hand and supervising with one hand
When an enterprise has reached a higher level, it must be managed by the team and by the system. First of all, we must let go of the power and let the following people take responsibility. Implement responsibilities, rights and benefits to the first person in charge. Decentralization is to give you a plan, give you a runway, and let you run. What we emphasize is that there must be a strong sense of responsibility, a strong sense of initiative and expansion. Without pressure, there is no motivation, and without pressure, it is impossible to achieve great results. At the same time, we must take efficiency as the core and carry forward the spirit of "seeking for the day and the night". This is a test of everyone's will and ability, and it is also a kind of exercise. We are too eager to succeed, but not impetuous. What we pursue is the speed of quality. If we rush forward regardless of subjective and objective conditions, it will only backfire. While delegating power with one hand, the other hand must grasp supervision. Oversight is to gain a clear understanding of the current state of the company. With power, there must be responsibilities, the use of power is subject to supervision, and the use of power is subject to punishment.

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